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Search results for: 'bakery baguette sandwich bread multi grain short baguette'

Bistro > Gourmet Sandwiches
Our objective is to create each day a versatile snack at reasonable price. To achieve this, all our ...
Bakery > Bread Rolls & Sandwich Bread
Breakfast, some say the key meal of the day, is traditionally where bread rolls rule supreme. To mak...
Bakery > Baguettes and Bread Loaves
Bread is perhaps the most important item in our diet; it has often been called the staff of life. Br...
Catering Shanghai > Catering - Sets
Through our unique online catering delivery platform for outside and home catering in Shanghai, we a...
Let's Introduce Ourselves
Management Team Dieter and Li Li are the dynamic duo behind BAK...
Delivery Areas, Time Intervals and Fees
Delivery Dates & Time Intervals We do deliveries everyday from 08:30 till 20:30. All ye...
Home Page
Shanghai Catering, Pizza and Artisan Bakery is at your Service!
Privacy and Cookie Policy
BAKERHAUS | Shanghai Catering, Pizza and Artisan Bakery Company (“we,” “us,” or the “Company”) ...
Best Tiramisu Ever!
Over the years we sampled a lot of very creamy and delicious Tiramisu, but we were never thrilled wi...